sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

New in SODA POP: Limited Edition Tee

 A quien no le gustan las ediciones limitadas?? A mi me encantan, son tesoros que poca gente o nadie tiene. Y más si son diseños tan cañeros como estos, de una de las marcas emergentes más punteras y prometedoras para mi gusto....muy yo :)))
Who does not like the limited editions? I really love are treasures that few people or nobody has. I like even more so if one of the leading brands and promising emerging in my opinion .... very me:)))

Podeis comprarlas en su web: SODA POP (pincha aqui)
You can buy on their website: SODA POP (click here)

por Superblondeep

2 comentarios:

  1. Loooool funny pics!
    By the way I just did a new post and I "awarded you" lol with a Versatile Blogger Stamp/Awards.
    Check it: http://shinigami-u-openingmymind.blogspot.com/2012/02/versatile-blogger-stampaward.html

