domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Forever Norma Jeane, Forever Marilyn.

Tanto se ha escrito y dicho sobre ella que parece que no quede nada por comentar. Pero muy poco se decía de su afición a la lectura, su interés por la política, por la sociedad en la que vivía, las dificultades para sacar a flote su productora que finalmente fracasó, su frustración profesional por no ser tomada en serio, el acoso por parte del Comité de Actividades Norteamericanas, su miedo a no padecer enfermedades mentales heredas de las mujeres de su familia, el dolor de sufrir abortos y su obsesión por convertirse en madre, su alto coeficiente intelectual que le hacían pensar demasiado las cosas y su miedo escénico....Poca gente sabe que fue una de las primeras mujeres en someterse a cirujía y de las primeras a atreverse a meterse en un gimnasio ha hacer pesas, que no cobraba tanto por sus papeles en el cine como se piensa y que realmente tenia un escaso fondo de armario.
Hoy, en el 50 aniversario de su muerte quiero recordarla como la mujer real y cercana que era. No me apetecía sacar alguna de sus miles de fotos enfundada en glamurosos vestidos de noche y quería recordarla en fotos vestida de "diario" donde se aprecia que el magnetismo que desprendía nada tenia que ver con el glamur ni las joyas....ella tenia esa magia que hace que no puedas dejar de mirarla incluso despeinada y en vaqueros.
Por siempre Norma Jeane,
Para siempre Marilyn.
So much has been written and said about it seems there's nothing left for comment. But little was said about her love of reading, his interest in politics, society in which he lived, the difficulties to shore up his production which ultimately failed, professional frustration at not being taken seriously, harassment by the North American Activities Committee, his fear of not inherit mental ill health of women of his family, the pain of having abortions, and his obsession with becoming a mother, her high IQ that made him think about things too much and fear scenic .... Few people know that was one of the first women to undergo surgery and the first to dare to get into a gym has to do weights, which did not charge much for their roles in the film as you think and you really had a limited wardrobe.
Today, on the 50th anniversary of his death I remember her as the woman was real close. I did not want to release any of their thousands of pictures clad in glamorous evening gowns and wanted to remember in photos dressed in "diary" where you can see that magnetism that gave off had nothing to do with the glamor and the jewels she had .... that magic that you can not stop staring at her disheveled and even jeans. 
Forever Norma Jeane 
Forever Marilyn.

Marilyn Monroe in a Potato Sack Dress






por Superblondeep

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