sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011


Fotógrafa nacida en New York en 1923 y fallecida en 1971 por ingestión de barbitúricos.
Sus instantáneas despiertan un cumulo de sensaciones, con mucha dosis de realidad y un punto siniestro. Se dedicaba a buscar personajes fuera de lo común en los barrios bajos de NY y en circos y demás lugares pintorescos. Sus retratos son muy impactantes. Disfueten de esta pequeña muestra de su obra:
Photographer born in New York in 1923 and died in 1971 from ingestion of barbiturates.
Its instant a mass of sensations aroused much dose of reality and a sinister side. She spent looking out of the ordinary characters in the suburbs of NY and in circuses and other places colorful. His portraits are very striking. Enjoy this small sample of his work:

Stanley Kubrick se inspiro en este retrato para los personajes de las gemelas del pasillo en su pelicula El Resplandor.
Stanley Kubrick was inspired by this portrait for the characters of the twins in the hallway in his movie The Shining.

Espero que os haya gustado. Muchas gracias por pasaros por el blog y comentar. Y millones de gracias a mis seguidores. Os quiero a tod@s!
I hope you liked it. Thank you very much for stopping by the blog and comment. And millions of thanks to my fans. I love you everybody!

por Superblondeep

8 comentarios:

  1. Wow these photos definitely bring you to a darker and more sinister side.

    Lots of love from Sydney,

    x Kel

    absorbing optimistic rays

  2. Tocayiiiiii...qué es de ti?¿ jajaja.
    Hace tiempo que no hablamos!!

    Me gustan las fotos <3

  3. i dont like the pics:P hahaha they are so scary!!

    Love your blog though!

    New outfitpost- New clothes

  4. These photos are incredible. Absolutely jaw-dropping!

    That GOOD GOOD Blog

  5. wow those are like the strangest portraits i have ever seen! they give me indeed a little bit of a Kubrick feeling! you don't feel at ease looking at those pics! they are so pure and raw

  6. These a great and a bit creepy...


  7. these are so hauntingly beautiful. love it!

